Tuesday 31 March 2009

Turn this into a vegetable patch....
It's officially spring. Suddenly the fields are alive with hard working people all preparing for the much anticipated vegetable gardens. And for some reason, I am not sure whether it is some attempt to match up or just stupidity, I have decided to give it a go. Already a few things have taken me by surprise, firstly the size of the garden...it is not a patch oh no, it is VAST, a considerable field!!! Secondly the size of the machinery. This is not a job for trowels and gloves, instead strange dangerous looking tractor like contraptions with teeth!!!
Well one day spent on the patch and it was finally resembling some of the other patches in the area. Now all we need is Veg (and vast quantities of dung!!)
well, veg we now have, it is small and seedling-like but none the less my gardening Guru informs they will one day blossom into Cucumbers, butternut squash, beans and even peppers!!!
I hope to be able to be successful in my venture, and even consider supplying veg boxes for guests. Watch this space.

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